
Circus Skills At The Summer Fair 2024


SKU: N/A Category:


Tickets are £8 in advance which are limited to 100 spaces. On the day if slots are available, on the day charge will be £10.
Please arrives at least 5 minutes before your session to be checked in. The times you have selected are the times you will be allowed to use the equipment provided by the circus workshop.

Booking is non-refundable, if you need to change times this will depend on availability at the time of rescheduling

Circus skills workshop includes a 45 minute session at your selected starting time, with a choice of circus skills to choose from
Spinning plates
Pogo stick,
4 wheelers
2 wheelers
Juggling scarves
Juggling sacks and balls
Mini tightrope
Aerial Hoop
Flower sticks


We are thrilled to offer you the opportunity to explore and learn circus skills with us. Before you purchase, please take a moment to read and understand the following disclaimer:

Assumption of Risk: Participation in circus skills activities involves inherent risks, including but not limited to falls, collisions, and muscular strains. By engaging in these activities, you acknowledge and accept these risks.
Physical Condition: Circus skills require a reasonable level of physical fitness and flexibility. Please assess your own physical condition and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns about your ability to participate safely.
Instruction and Supervision: Our instructors are trained professionals who prioritize safety and proper technique. However, accidents can still occur. Please follow all instructions carefully and ask for assistance if needed.
Safety Equipment: While safety equipment may be provided, they do not eliminate the risk of injury entirely. Please use all safety equipment as instructed and take responsibility for your own safety.
Respect for Others: Circus skills activities often involve working closely with others. Please be mindful of your fellow participants and instructors, and follow all safety guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.
Personal Belongings: We are not responsible for any loss or damage to personal belongings during circus skills activities. Please secure your belongings in designated areas before participating.
By participating in circus skills activities and purchasing tickets, you agree to release St James’ PTA and Showoff circus school from any liability for personal injury, loss, or damage that may occur during the course of these activities.

Thank you for your attention to these important safety guidelines. We hope you have a fantastic time at our circus skills!

Additional information

Circus Skills

12pm till 12.45pm, 1pm till 1.45pm, 2pm till 2.45pm, 3pm till 3.45pm, 4pm till 4.45pm